Feels Like Forever

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Released February 4, 2022
Markus Reuter: Touch Guitars AU8 and S8, Soundscapes
Alexander Paul Dowerk: Touch Guitars S8
Bernhard Wöstheinrich: Keyboards and Electronics
Shawn Crowder: Drums
All music written and performed by Anchor and Burden
Recorded by Arno Jordan at Castle Studios, Röhrsdorf, Germany
Mixed by Peter Junge
Mastered by Fabio Trentini
Produced by Markus Reuter
Artwork and design by Alexander Paul Dowerk
Based on a painting by Andreas Achenbach
© & ℗ 2022 Reuter, Dowerk, Wöstheinrich, Sirkis
Supported by Initiative Musik gGmbH with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.